Thursday, July 15, 2010

5 Signs You May Be Limping Into Your Destiny - Week 4

Crisis is a clear hallmark that you may be limping into your destiny. One action closely associated with crisis is looking back over your life to see if anything , any old bills, unresolved arguments, remaining debts could possibly loom on your new , suddenly rosy horizon. Once you discover that one loose thread,  your effort  to weave it  into your destiny fabric can put you in a crisis. This is not to say that new threats will not appear, but often it is old stuff that rears its head  to throw you in a tizzy.
And in a tizzy , we go!!!! In our attempts to be "proactive", we often  overlook the fact that as G-d has changed us , so has He changed the situation or the people we are fearing to face!!!!! Time has passed and situations are just not the same as we remember them. We often forget that G-d is in the blessing business (if I may slide in a cliche here!) and the same G-d at work in your life has the Power to work in other lives as well. You do realize this ,don't you?
 In the case of new threats to our  security, we  need to let go and let G-d!!!! ( sorry , another cliche!) I know  that it does not seem that simple but the more we try to fight , the less we are allowing Him to fight for us. Believe me , His resources for battle fa r r r r r outweigh ours, and His Point of View sees  past, present, and future . We only see  in the immediate. Be obedient. Don't let a crisis , perceived or actual keep you from your destiny.

The crisis Jacob faced was meeting his deceived brother , Esau. Jacob knew he had cheated Esau and when ,in his obedience to what G-d told him to do , Jacob set out for home, he did so under a cloud of fear . Here was ( Jacob thought!!) and unresolved argument, an unpaid debt. In making his "proactive' decision to present Esau with a large gift of livestock and other riches  in order to appease Esau,( Gen. 32)  Jacob forgot that the same G-d he had been encountering throughout his life had also been at work in Esau's life. The only thing Esau required from Jacob was . .   the chance to hug his brother after all those years. ( Gen. 33:4) (but we are skipping ahead a bit!!!)
 Proactive??? Actually anticlimactic. And so are the crises that loom in your mind as a threat to your  arrival at your destiny. If G-d tells you to do it , belive me He has ALL the details worked out , including those we see as a crisis.

 Be a part of our on-line community!! Share your  experience or your questions and comments below.Click right where it reads "comments", because just thinking about how G-d has brought you through gives you a whole, new Praise!!!! Be Encouraged!!!!!! Pastor Norma

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