A hall mark that you could be limping into your destiny is frustration. Either it seems so close , or it appears impossibly far away. So, what do we do? We try to help G-d out a bit, usually with disastrous results!
Laban & Jacob had already agreed the the spotted , striped & black lambs would be Jacob's wages from Laban, so, why would Jacob place striped , spotted branches where the sheep would see them? (Gen.31:41) Jacob was helping G-d out!!!! You see , it was commonly believed that whatever sheep & goats saw at the time of breeding would influence the color of the young. Jacob was trying to rapidly increase his wealth: trying to speed up the Promised Blessingof G-d because he was frustrated and wanted to quickly get away from Laban and back to the place of his ancestors.Leaving Laban was SO close and yet seemed SO far away!!!
When you feel yourself becoming frustrated, do you behave as Jacob did ?Do you openly handle problems and ask G-d's help or do you avoid His Revealed Will and try to help G-d?
This happened to me just last week !I prayed and asked G-d to make a way for me in a long standing frustrating situation. Suddenly,a sliver of an opening that I KNEW had to be a Move of G-d!!!!What did I do ? Instead of trusting G-d for His Promise, I planned to "dramatize " things a bit!! Happily, I caught myself and repented before I actually did resort to scheming and conniving .Happily , G-d quickly forgave me and worked it out just as He had planned.
How many times have you seen this happen in your life or how have you been able to identify this behavior in another experience? Were there disastrous results or was there repentance and forgiveness? Please post your comments- Be encouraged, Pastor Norma
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