We are still in Week #1 of our discussion . A question was : when G-d says its time to go , what should be your response. In other words , how do you leave a situation : ministry , workplace, personal relationship, etc. that is no longer beneficial to your experience.
Gen 31: 3 - G-d said to Jacob " go back to your relatives in the land of your ancestors and I will bless You."
Gen. 31: 4 - Jacob call his wives out to the fields for a family meeting and creates an attitude of dissention between the daughters and their father,Laban. " He treats us like foreigners and has even cheated us out of the bride price that should be ours" (Gen .31:14-16) Rachel even stole the household items from Laban , although Jacob did not know it. (Gen 31:19) . The family left secretly while Laban was away shearing his sheep.(Gen.31:19-20) Later on the story line , Laban catches up with Jacob and questions Jacob as to why he left without allowing Laban to say goodbye to his daughters and grandchildren.
This is an example of how you do not want to leave : in anger or with a feeling of entitlement so bitterly strong that you or your group feels the need to steal or engage in some other sinful behavior: Lying , gossiping , creating dissention , belittling the purposes, or, waiting around for an opportunity to be vengeful. Before these things can kick in , Our Proactive Father will step in and direct you. When He does , trust Him no matter how difficult or strange what He tells you to do may appear.
So, what is keeping you? When you know that G-d has told you to go and He will bless you- why are you still waiting around?
As a Counselor, I am always amazed at the reasons people express when I ask "why are you still in this place or that situation?" It always boils down to one thing- the way people believe that others see them is what governs their response: " this is MY HOUSE" or " No body is chasing me out of MY ministry, what would that look like if I just let that happen?" " What will people think if I just let her disrespect me like that ?" This is a form of narcissism that leads us away from G-d 's Voice and into a wilderness . How can He bless you if He can not direct you?
When G-d tells you to go and He will bless you, and you know that it is His Voice you heard and not just your anger or your entitlement speaking,be mindful of how you leave . Don't slink away in secrecy- that gives more importance to what or who you are leaving than you are giving to G-d. Be upfront and celebratory about what you are doing. What would you rather see : people waving and blessing you as you go , or people celebrating because you are gone?
On your way to your destiny, realize that G-d has already charted your path . You will have to walk it.Just don't be surprised if He changes your walk.
Please , feel free to ask questions , add comments and share your destiny experiences here. Be Encouraged , Pastor Norma
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