Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Remembrance On World Aids Day

About 18 years ago, my first determination toward Biblical Counseling came after my  experience as a volunteer in a ministry for persons with AIDS. At that time , I was overwhelmed by the severity of the disease , as well as the hate and lack of compassion shown to the people who were suffering.  Although some of the hysteria is gone , and public support for victims and suvivors is  improved over what it was 16-20 years ago, there remains  a lot of ground to cover in terms of awareness, treatment opportunities,  education and compassion. Still, I remain convinced that our G-d , our faith, our hope and our love for each other is GREATER THAN AIDS.

The proof of this conviction is what  is seen in the spirits of those  determined not just to  to survive, but to live: those who face the stigmas , the effects of the illness upon their quality of life, the amount and types of medication (and the side effects!)  and still rally, mentor, encourage , educate, lobby, smile, advise and pray in spite of the darkness in their lives. This is absolute courage , definite stregnth. To me this is evangelism at its best, because it mirrors what Jesus did when He went throughout Galilee. He preached , but He also healed and delivered from disease and demons, sickness and stigmas.  I know that this type of determination leads some one to the reality that ours is a loving G-d and Nothing can separte us from His Love because He is GREATER THAN AIDS.   Be Encouraged!!! Dr Norma


Monday, November 21, 2011

Make someone Thank G-d for your presence in their life.

Good Monday evening!!!!

This is my 2nd time posting this message, so instead of the Monday AM PepRally this will be more like the Tuesday AM Pep Rally. The first post was done at 10Am today. I wanted to add a picture , hit the wrong button and wiped out 2 hours of writing and editing. After that I calmly went downstairs and made 8 pies. No sense in crying , right??????

Anyhow , big changes are happening right here at A Higher Place : changes  that will require your assistance. We will talk more about them maybe tomorrow., but since this is the 1st day of my blogging week I did not want to end  the day without a message of encouragement and a prayer .

This Thanksgiving , make the day mean more than a designated National Holiday. Find some way to make someone thank G-d for you everyday. Speak a word of encouragement, give someone a small surprise, spend some time listening to a young person. Remember that to those of us who love G-d , everyday is another opportunity to say "Thank-You" by sharing what we have with someone else. Even at our lowest point we still have something that can be shared , a smile, a prayer , some time. In this way we become a continuum of G-d's Great Provision of Love to us.

Today's Prayer: Precious and Most Holy Father, Thank You. Thank You for bringing us through another week. We are thanking You for showing us how to be thankful for the good and the bad  because in this way You are teaching us to walk in Faith. We have much for which are most appreciative  , Dear Lord. And so we are. This week it is Your Servants's Prayer that you bless each celebration of Faith, that You preside at every table , that You remain at each place setting , that You are on every road , in every vehicle guiding every driver to safely arrive at each destination. Father, we know that there is no place where Your Loving Spirit cannot go and so we ask You to be with us and inspire us to live to please You. Once again , we thank You for all that You are . Hallelu-Jah!!! Amen.

Remember, make it your goal to be the reason a soul will say "Thank You , Father for Your Love. "
Be encouraged and always be excellent- Dr Norma

Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday Morning Pep Rally!!!!!!!

Happy Monday, Everyone!!!!

As a Biblical Counselor , I am constantly encouraging counselees, church members , family , friends and  often people I met on the street  because these days , everyone is affected or effected by something. I find it is discouraging sometimes to listen to the news or read the paper because of the bad/sad news. As much as we pray against it , stuff is gonna happen. It happens in your house and it happens in mine.

The thing to remember is that misfortunes do not define us unless we allow them to. I am by no means minimizing anyones' struggles: my family and I are going through a health challenge at this point, so I know how hard and hopeless things can seem. Other people are facing the losses of homes , jobs,  & careers. Families are being torn apart, churches are closing.Sometimes  it seems trite to even tell someone " be encouraged" or "remember G-d is in control." If at this time you are going through some personal devastion, do not lose hope and don't allow the challenge , whatever it is, to define who you are. Remember it is a valley you are walking through, not the description of your life.  And as you walk through the valley , look around you and see that you are being stregnthened , you are being changed, you now know things and people and resources you did not know before the crisis came . You now are aware of stregnth within yourself you did not know you had, and the good thing is as you continue in your life journey , you have more tools to help and encourage people going through  their life changes. What's that??? you say you say you are not being stregthened , or changed and this thing is going on forever? Thats because you are allowing it to define and describe you. Come up out of that valley!!!!!!!

Right now , I want to offer a short prayer of encouragement for this week to encourage you and keep you strong through whatever may your way  this week.
            Precious Father, Our G-d and our Hope,thank You for allowing us to stand before you in Jesus' Name. Please encourage and stregnthen everyone reading this prayer right now. You , Father know our needs and I am asking You to  touch each and every life as only You can. Bless our children and keep them hidden from the eyes of the predators who would destroy them. Help us to remember that all things work together for the good of those who love You, to them who are called according to YOUR purpose. Please,  Father help us to throw away and forget mentalities that would prevent us from seeing Your Hand moving for our good in each of our lives , no matter where we are on our life's journey right now. We love you , Father , and we praise Your Name forever. Thank you for hearing our prayer. Amen 
*** Scriptural Reference- Romans 8:28
It is only a valley. If this writing has been helpful to you , feel free to share it responsibly. Feel free to post a comment or email us .Be Encouraged!!!!!  Dr Norma