Friday, July 2, 2010

5 Signs You May Be Limping Into Your Destiny- Week 3

Okay, all the signs are pointing that you are just about there!!!! you can feel it!!! All right!!!!! the decision has been made , gonna do it, gotta  do it!!!!
"All right! All right!  I just gotta talk to somebody!! Let me just pray with some body . Am I sure this is what is right??? Let me call my . . . .
Wow, my mom has been in a meeting for the last 3 hours. My sister  is on a class trip with one of her kids. I can't even get my Pastor on the phone. Why is my best friend acting like suddenly he has no opinions about anything?  Where is everybody? I can't even find one of my haters. Here I am on the edge of a major decision in my life and there is no one to talk to . Why?????????????????"

I'll bet you have been here , haven't you? Right on the eve of a breakthrough and suddenly; SILENCE. No one to say anything good or anything bad.  Plenty of people up to now expressing their opinions and thoughts (whether you wanted them or not!) , about what you should or should not do , say , think, try , go , stay , lead , follow. Now , at the 11th hour- nada. And you never felt so lonely in all your life.

G-d has a way of silencing your influencers . While you' re on the way to your destiny , He wants the choice to be all yours. He wants to make sure you are counting the costs , and not living in someone else's reality. So ,very often, all those people who have been speaking into your life become unavailable to you because they have the power to influence your decision.

Jacob had loaded up his family and posessions and was on the road fleeing from Laban when Laban got the news. (  Gen. 31:22  ) Immediately , Laban  overtook Jacob in the mountains of Gilead. However, the night before , G-d had appeared to Laban in a dream and cautioned Laban to say nothing to Jacob, neither good nor bad. (Gen. 31:24)  Laban  asked Jacob why did he steal away, reminding Jacob that he, Laban had the power to kill Jacob (Gen.21:29)  Jacob replied (Gen31:31) that he thought Laban would take away his wives by force if Laban knew Jacob wanted to go.  Now ,that would certainly be a powerful influence to induce Jacob not to leave would n't it?  So powerful that it may have influenced Jacob right off the path to his destiny!!!!!!!
Share your experiences  here where you have found yourself very lonely , just when you thought you needed company the most. Post your experiences because your voice gives stregnth to someone else.

Please enjoy yourselves on this Fourth of July week-end. It is my prayer that  everyone will  have fun and stay safe. We live in a country where we are free to worship whenever and however we choose. Not all Christians have this freedom. G-d bless America!!! Be encouraged- Pastor Norma


  1. But its true that sometimes yu need to be by yourself.

  2. Hello, Jena,
    Thank you for your post. Yes , that is true , sometimes you need to be alone. When you are moving into a different level in your life, you do not need so many opinions about the choice you are about to make. We do not always realize this as truth. Often we feel that when we are going into something new , we need to have an entourage so we won't feel lonely in our new surroundings. But , new oppurtunities in life are often like a new house: before your friends and family start plotting on your extra space , you need to ask G-d to bless it, & get comfortable in it.
    So that we make choices for which we are fully accountable to G-d, His is the only Voice we should seek at these times. That also keeps us from living someone else's reality.


Be encouraged or be an encourag-ER! Share your comments , questions & experiences here.