Monday, January 2, 2012

Welcome to 31 days of Hope

As many of you know , this is a blog for encouragement. Every where we look there is some form of hardship ; in the newspapers, on the news, in our families , in our workplaces. Not only are jobs shutting down, churches are closing and so are many of the agencies that provided direction and assistance. Hopelessness is all over: in every age, in every tax bracket, in every neighborhood !!! January is the first month of this new year. I am not promising any magical cures, but I am convinced that if we can fortify our selves with HOPE in the first month, we will have increased stregnth to handle whatever comes in the days that follow.

I have  found wisdom and encouragement in the Holy Scriptures. I promise not to preach to you but, I know The Scriptures can be applied to everyday life with an enlightening and promising result. We are after, all the Children of   Promise, right ? So. What I need you to do is read the posts when you can, apply what you read to your situation and interact with me, let me know what you think , how The Word is moving in your life . I know many "like " or comment on Face book , and some Tweet, but if you look at the end of the post on the blog page ,you will see "comments".  Click  there , type your comment  or suggestion  and enter it. If you need a private response from me, a consult or a referral, e-mail me. My e-mail address is at the top of the blog.

Prayer-Almighty and Holy G-d thank You for allowing this chance to speak to Your People. Father ,I recognize that I am only a vessel and not a Source so I ask that in these difficult days , You will have me decrease and You increase so that Your Voice will be heard by those who are reaching for the Comfort & Hope only You can give. This is Your Servant's Prayer. Hallelujah! Amen.
Be encouraged. Dr Norma

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